our purpose
Tailored support to ensure you reach your service goals
Harmony And Care Group was established to win the challenges that the people with a disability face in their everyday live.
Registered NDIS Service Provider in Sydney, NSW
Vision, Mission and Values
Our Mission
To deliver excellent, high quality and caring support services to our participants.
Our Vision
To be a multicultural, disability focused NDIS service provider who are recognised within the community.
Our Values
We are built upon the values of Multiculturalism, Acceptance and Excellence
Our Care is Different
Our professional experienced staff provide personalised care and create a warm friendly atmosphere. Our staff are trained to be capable, responsible and aware of your needs.
LEt us help yoU
Interested in our expert care workers?
Development of Life Skills
Community Nursing Care
Early Childhood Support
Harmony And Care
Satisfaction Approach
We offer a wide array of services to help disables live a happy, healthy and meaningful life.
What is NDIS?
National Disability Insurance Scheme
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australia wide scheme that will support people with a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to take part in everyday activities.
The NDIS will give people with disability more choices and control over how, when and where supports are received, and provides certainty that they will receive the support they need over their lifetime.
In Fundings
*stats are based on the next 5 years.